
Buckle up with Network Marketing VT http://spitoutcash.tk [network marketing vt scam]

2012-10-22 21 Dailymotion

http://spitoutcash.tk Network Marketing VT is a new network marketing/direct sales business opportunity that just popped up on my radar that looks very interesting so I thought I'd provide you with my honest opinion in this network marketing vt review. I am not a distributor or member so you can rest assured that this review will just provide you with the facts and my honest professional opinion!


What Exactly Is Network Marketing VT?
It's a brand new company, headquartered in Florida, focused on providing marketers with primarily online network marketing training and coaching. There is a suite of products, some look good while others look a bit like your typical digital worthless crap. That's OK though because the cost to get involved is pretty low (we'll talk about that later).

The on-going coaching and training by the executive team is potentially very valuable and more than worth the price of admission. Network Marketing VT was founded by Jason Spurlock, who I've seen around the internet and he seems to be a very successful marketer. It looks like he's surrounded himself with a very solid team of professionals. The key with any new business launch is to keep the enthusiasm of the distributors going after launch - when it's "get to work" time and the hype dies down. We'll see how Network Marketing VT as time goes on.


The Network Marketing VT Compensation Plan
This is where this new business gets interesting in my opinion. Can you make money? To join the company costs a one-time payment of $98. There will then be an on-going $19 per month administrative fee. So, I would consider this to be an inexpensive business opportunity. Generally, the less expensive opportunities can pay to a certain level but it's tough to make a lot. BUT, this one has a twist that I'm not sure will work or not.

The compensation plan is a 3-UP and pays 100% commissions. What this means is that distributors must "give" their first 3 sales to their sponsor. After you've made your first 3 sales you are then "qualified" to earn 100% commissions from everyone you sign up and all of their first 3 sales. This is potentially very lucrative. I think Network Marketing VT has gone out a limb with a 3-UP but I like it. The potential BIG issue is that most network marketers don't recruit 3 people into a business...ever. On the flip-side though, once someone brings in 1 they'll be extra motivated to bring in 2 more so they can start earning.

The real way to earn in this business is to build a big team and benefit from the efforts and pass-up sales from those who will put in the work necessary. I do think it's a good idea to provide training and constant motivational calls, which the company is currently providing.

Network Marketing VT Review Summary
To summarize, I want to say that Network Marketing VT is definitely not a scam. I think it's a solid business model. If you're considering joining
